Saturday, October 27, 2007

Today the stake president called my dad and told him that the stake was holding a meeting for the 16 families in the stake that lost their homes. So they attended this evening and had a really great experience. The new apostle in the quorum of the 12 Elder Cook came and spoke to them. He let them know that the prophet is praying for them and blessed them that they would all feel peace in their lives at this time. He talked to them for a little while then shook each one of their hands. My dad said it was such a great experience and they feel so loved and blessed right now. They are so overwhelmed with everyone's kindness and love. Today they also were able to go to a park that the community had set up for the families to gather clothes and toys and stuff like that. They all sound very upbeat and positive right now. I asked my dad why they are this way and he said its because so many people are praying for them. So thank you for your prayers. My family and I love you all so very much. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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